2017/12/15 - Decred v1.1.2 released! → Release Notes → Downloads
dcrdocs: Getting Started
User guides for Windows, Linux, OS X, and the web client. Information on obtaining DCR and using the block explorer.
dcrdocs: FAQ
FAQs organized into general, configuration, wallets and seeds, web client, blocks, proof-of-stake, and proof-of-work mining questions.
dcrdocs: Proof-of-work Mining
Information about solo and pool mining using ccminer (NVIDIA), cgminer (AMD), and sgminer (AMD).
dcrdocs: Proof-of-stake Mining
Information about solo and pool mining by purchasing and voting tickets.
dcrdocs: Research
Information about research on the hybrid design, stake pooling, signature algorithms, hashing function, script extensions, fraud proofs, and other improvements.
dcrdocs: Advanced
Information about advanced software usage topics.