I have tried everything. Searched google all the mining forums followed all the instructions that others have gotten in an attempt to mine DECRED. I have 6x GTX1070's that rock when mining just Eth but I can't get the dual miner to work. where's my command line: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal 0xdc6633c649695474bbf56775d748ef4d4c9a364b.Yoizah1/me@gmail.com -epsw x -mport -3333 -mode 1 -ethi 433344 -r 1 -dpool stratum+tcp://stratum.decredpool.org:3343 -dwal DsaUogy1yogCMVEQHznqwUNcw815CAKauuf.Yoizah.Yoizah1 -dpsw 1234567 -allpools 1 -mode 0 -dcri 15 -dcoin dcr Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Happy New Year
Your -dwal flag is likely incorrect. your username is likely something else other than a wallet address with that pool. If you log into that pool, go to: my account > edit account, you should see your username. it should read -dwal username.workername