This development dispatch covers work completed since the Decred v0.0.6 release from March 5th, 2016 (includes the v0.0.7 priority release). Since then, developers have merged 26 pull requests of code into 3 software repositories. During this period, a total of 31 commits occurred in these repositories and represent modifications to the effect of 2,135 lines of code added to and 793 lines removed from the codebase. All 5 requests for proposals (RFPs) were processed and work began on all deliverables (RFP-1, RFP-2, RFP-3, RFP-4, and RFP-5). A total of 10 developers, designers, and writers (excluding Decred developers) are working on RFP deliverables. Binaries: dcrd Fixed an issue where the 'stop' command would fail to store the ticket database on close (80-e8059bf) Reduced likelihood of spamming the mempool with vote transactions that could never be included in blocks (82-20a9d15) Optimized mining checks for various stake transactions (83-db3e406) Corrected the expected number of inputs for stake P2SH outputs (86-c017ba6) Added and implemented the getticketpoolvalue JSON RPC command to return the current value of all the locked stake from tickets in the ticket pool (90-71837f4) Added lookup of ticket commitments to addrindex so ticket commitments to a future address are no longer ignored (92-9b37ebd) Added the balancetomaintain JSON RPC command (93-f89af0d) Updated documentation (88-c0614fb, 94-9f90be7) and versioning (87-f2cc01c, 95-967952c) Credits: @ay-p, @ceejep, @jcv, jzbz dcrwallet Fixed a potential race condition (94-fb9d23c) Fixed issues with debugging (96-17f5f6d) Fixed an issue with relevantTx handling and an uncaught error (103-423bd7f) Overhauled accounts to function correctly - fixed a large number of issues with accounts, balances, and spending (104-daa2021) Fixed an issue that incorrectly incremented the address pool (115-27aff8e) Added the balancetomaintain JSON RPC command to allow users to update balancetomaintain while the wallet is running (120-045a934) Fixed wallet resyncing from seed and address index positioning (121-8860fd8) Fixed an issue with compilation (122-ead80ad) Improved error handling (123-06aaf1e) Updated documentation (118-1aa7293) and versioning (101-d776d97, 124-a981017) Credits: @ay-p, @ceejep, @jcv, @jyap dcrrpcclient Fixed a logging issue (9-4691756) Fixed an issue where outputs were not tracked correctly (10-b3f4878, 11-c4547dc) Credits: @ceejep, @jrick RFPs Added dates to RFPs (13-05385b8) Marked the remaining RFPs as closed (12-34fd657, 14-ee837cd) Credits: @jcv
''Added the balancetomaintain JSON RPC command to allow users to update balancetomaintain while the wallet is running'' Is there a way to change the ticketmaxprice value in our ./dcrwallet startup command on the fly? Don't like the idea to kill the dcrwallet process, modify my line and restart it each time I want to adjust it.
Code: $ dcrctl --wallet help setticketmaxprice setticketmaxprice max Set the max price user is willing to pay for a ticket. Arguments: 1. max (numeric, required) The max price (in dcr). Result: Nothing
@ceejep I have the same minor / display issues with total balance (spendable + locked) as with v0.0.7 after clean install (deleting all files and local folders) and re-creating wallet from seed on Windows 10 Pro x64. Tried 2 times with corect sync between dcrd(latest height) and dcrwallet with the same results. I don't have enough balance to test manually buying tickets but I think there is no problem with auto buying them since I managed to buy some even with v0.0.7. Nothing is lost of course, spendable balance is correct and no tickets are lost, it's just a little annoying not to get total balance with --wallet getbalance "default" 0 all. I hope for a fix in next release. @davecgh Can you please tell me if we should re-download the blockchain with every release, is it better? Is it better to re-create wallet from seed with every new release or not? Meaning, we have to delete dcrd and dcrwallet folders from Users/"user"/AppData/Local (for Windows) with every new release for both dcrd and dcrwallet and make a clean setup or there is no reason for it? Only updating/replacing and re-running decred binary files (dcrd, dcrctl, dcrwallet) is enough?
Gosh, I really hope we don't have to do all that @zero, I was able to upgrade right now and get back to staking in less than a minute, by having files ready to copy/overwrite from version 8.
My personal opinion is that you should almost never have to download the chain again on an upgrade unless it's just a super massive change where it makes sense to start over. Typically though, in my opinion, it should migrate things so it just works.
I'm sorry to hear you're having continued issues with the wallet's balance. One thing I would check is that if you are using the stake pool, your locked stake will only show up in the imported account because the funds are locked to an imported script. You can see them with 'getbalance imported 0 locked', or the total funds with 'getbalance imported 0 all'. If you're still having issues, I can try directly having a look at what a resync using your extended public key is like.
Another question @davecgh, what is "dust" and did this release v800 take care of it? I still have not been able to manually buy tickets although my spendable balance shows I have the funds. What is the best way to take care of the "dust"?
Thanks for clarifying this. My mistake then. I will only update binary files from now on unless I'll get instructed from release notes to do different and keep backups of the folders. In case of format can we use backed up dcrd and dcrwallet folders with no problems?
OK with these: dcrctl --wallet getbalance imported 0 locked dcrctl --wallet getbalance imported 0 all I can see everything from my balance to stake pool, thanks!
Dust can be taken care of by the new consolidate command: 'dcrctl --wallet consolidate 99999 default'. This will condense all small outputs into one large output. In the next version, the correction of fees for transaction should keep this issue from ever coming up again.
What does this mean after I run the consolidate command: Code: -22: TX rejected: transaction output has negative value of -154736753
Now when I try to manually purchase tickets it tells me -4: account name "default" not found. this exact command i was using yesterday on version 7 worked fine.
well i was finally able to get enablestakemining to work. But now i am getting this error whenever my computer tries to buy a ticket. I checked the transaction number and it is from more than 24 hours ago(almost 48) when I purchased a ticket. I should have enough decred in my wallet for 2 ticket purchases. 00:22:02 2016-03-19 [WRN] WLLT: Failed to send raw transaction: -22: TX rejected: transaction a25f36ef7f99174075525c7f3d1c2a76c0cff9eca6055d9372b10c549e6383cc tried to double spend coins from transaction c1435c95f3658146937b892733c3ddcd02cc4a292ef0e2fa283e2129583c4529 00:22:02 2016-03-19 [WRN] WLLT: A chainSvr error was returned attempting to purchase a ticket; ticket purchases aborted.
I also noticed that this specific ticket is listed as being 294 bytes and not 295... is that maybe the issue?
@ay-p Really disappointed with the latest update. I was hoping this upgrade would fix the double spend coins and chainserver error, But there is no improvement. Please suggest a remedy. I am unable to purchase any ticketsss....
Good morning, i upgrade to the 0.0.8 version and I am unable to send my funds. Balance: Spendable: 23.23083045 When I try to send get this return: -32603: insufficient funds: transaction requires 23.1 Coin input (22.8 Coin output + 0.3 Coin fee) but only 23.23083045 Coin spendable Any idea?