I have been reading posts about how some people are using this as an opportunity for quick cash, and a way to buy other coins such as bitcoin and other altcoins. This can really be disruptive to some of us who really believe in Decred and want it to succeed. I know the developers have really spent a lot of time as well as money to get Decred up and running. I also know that they want this to be a stable currency. I know that we can not stop people from these dishonest practices, but what are they ways that the community can help keep this from getting out of hand? Just a thought.
There are going to be people who wish to purchase Decred. Are you saying that we should bar anyone who doesn't mine for it?
to tell the true, i sold all my alt coin and have bitcoin ready buy decred, waiting checking the new everyday to see when launch. so much excited going on. i think everyone here have the same feelings as me.
People should sell decreds. It's a must for a currency. Otherwise it worth nothing again. For example me, I don't have PC at all (only laptop). I can't mine coins, I don't have online shops to accept decreds. But I do want to use DCR. So for me the only way to get them is to buy them. Guys who want to sell their coins after Airdrop are our saviors Without them decred will not get a real market price.
DCR is subject to market economy once it gets traded, not to wishful thinking. Why do you think DCR will not succeed if people sell it? Every sold coin is a bought coin. Since when is selling an act of dishonesty? I understand that we have many young folks in here and obviously also many with no prior experience with cryptocurrencies or market economy in general. But hey, the drama level gets worse every day. I see a ton of unrealistic expectations here on the forum. Best way to get disappointed. DCR will succeed if it is a useful asset. But only the market is able to decide this. Not Kim Jong-un.
Let the weak hands sell out cheaply. That way there are more cheap Decreds to go around for the true believers.
I did not look at it like that. I also want to invest in Decred, because of the reasons you stated. I guess I saw it as a way for people to get free coins and say screw decred. I really think that this coin has great opportunities for the market.. I see now that if people sell decred, it will become more marketable to the crypto-currency community. I am new to this and am learning a little bit everyday!!
No, I am not saying that. I just know that people want to get these coins with the intention of only getting another altcoin. Not because they think decred will succeed.
Dumping the airdrop for cash does grate against my sense of loyalty a tiny bit, but that's just me being weird. Sellers ARE needed. There was an understanding that we'd support Decred in our own individual ways when we signed up for the airdrop, and you don't strictly need to be holding any Decreds to do that. Plus there's always selling during a spike and then buying more afterward. That exhibits both an ability to profit with Decred and the confidence to buy back in when the price settles back down. Or you could sell some and buy a mining rig, getting more deeply involved while holding fewer Decreds. I'm no market expert by any means, but that to me seems to reflect very well on Decred. It's all about confidence. Or so they tell me. I might be wrong.
the success of a currency is mainly based on the number of transactions....so selling/buying are kind of key here
I think what everyone seems to be forgetting is that the usefulness of Decred should primarily go to the world at large. Whatever "disrupts" "us" is irrelevant. Even if the airdrop community fails to reap a single benefit from Decred, it will be a major success assuming the technology helps the entire world in some way, which is the idea. Decred needs a certain stability to become a major medium of exchange, but that's about all.