Prerequisites For Mainnet. Unofficial Airdrop Import & Mining Guide. Use At Your Own Risk!

Discussion in 'Proof-of-work Mining' started by sambiohazard, Feb 8, 2016.

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  1. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    #1 sambiohazard, Feb 8, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    Prerequisites i.e. Things you should have ready to use this guide:

    1. Your airdrop seed you saved when confirming your airdrop registration. If you didn't register for airdrop just ignore this.
    2. Already created/thought out username & passwords for dcrd & dcrwallet, both should be different for maximum security.
    3. Already created/thought out public & private passphrase for wallet, both should be different for maximum security.
    4. Download latest binaries(daemon/wallet) from here
    5. Get latest version of cgminer from here
    6. Register on a pool if you dont want to do solo mining & create workers.
    7. All words in your seed must match with one of the words in this list. Use this list to check your seed.
    8. If you lost your seed but still have HEX code, Use this utility by @davecgh to recover your seed
    DISCLAIMER: This guide is not yet verified by a decred team member. If something goes wrong, i can't take responsibility for loss of your airdrop in any case.This guide is work in progress & is incomplete. Please use discretion while using this guide. Thanks

    Ok, I tried my guide myself & it worked for me and many other users. But still no devs have verified it so disclaimer still stands.

    Check out this post by @sw1 for some common errors and there solutions:

    Before starting the guide, make sure to remove all testnet files & folders from your PC or save them in a different location on your PC.

    Running Daemon i.e. dcrd.exe
    1. Extract the mainnet binaries using the key/password provided at launch. Goto the folder where you extracted the binaries.
    2. Open a command window in folder.
    3. enter following command
      dcrd --rpcuser [your already created username for dcrd] --rpcpass [your already created strong password for dcrd] 
    4. This will start the daemon & it will start syncing the mainnet blockchain.

    Importing the Airdrop seed & Creating an address for solo mining
    1. open a new command window in folder where you extracted mainnet binaries. Enter this command in the command window
    2. dcrwallet --create
      • Command window will ask you to input a wallet passphrase. Enter a passphrase you created as prerquisite for dcrwallet & Press enter. Note: While entering the passphrase, command window will show no activity but it is accepting your input.
      • Confirm your passphrase by typing it again & press enter
      • Now it will ask you for a passphrase for public data. Choose yes, and enter the public passphrase you created as prerequisite. Remember this passphrase as you will need it for staking in the future.
      • Note: Make sure you enter your seed with only spaces (no line breaks). Total of 32 space-separated words. Also seed is case sensitive. If you want to verify a seed, use "verify.bat" included with dcraddrgen utility you used to create your airdrop address.
      • It will now ask if you have existing wallet seed. Choose Yes. Now is the time to get your airdrop seed, the one that you saved when you confirmed your airdrop registration. Enter your seed with only spaces (no line breaks). Now press enter only when you have typed the whole seed.
      • After hitting enter and a brief pause, command windows says "wallet created successfully".
    3. Congrats! You have now imported your airdrop hopefully. Now run your wallet using following command.
    4. Code:
      dcrwallet --username [username you created for wallet as prerequisite] --password [password you created for wallet as prerequisite] --dcrdusername=[rpcuser for daemon] --dcrdpassword=[rpcpass for daemon] --walletpass [public passpharse for wallet]
    5. Skip following steps if you don't need a new address for mining or already created one.
    6. This will start the wallet & connect it to daemon so that wallet becomes upto date.
    7. Now that wallet is running & connected to daemon, open a new command window & run
    8. Code:
      dcrctl -u [must be same as wallet username] -P [must be same wallet password] --walletpass [publicpassphrase for wallet] --wallet getnewaddress
    9. Copy the address shown, you will need it for solo mining.
    Creating new wallet & address if you missed the Airdrop

    1. open a new command window in folder where you extracted mainnet binaries. Enter this command in the command window
    2. dcrwallet --create
      • Command window will ask you to input a wallet passphrase. Enter a passphrase of your choice & Press enter. Note: While entering the passphrase, command window will show no activity but it is accepting your input.
      • Confirm your passphrase by typing it again & press enter
      • Now it will ask you for a passphrase for public data. Choose yes, and enter the public passphrase you created as prerequisite. Remember/store this passphrase as you will need it for staking in the future.
      • It will now ask if you have existing wallet seed. As this is your first wallet, choose no.
      • This will create a wallet file save your seed in a safe place and type OK. After that enter this command
    3. Code:
      dcrwallet --username [username you created for wallet as prerequisite] --password [password you created for wallet as prerequisite] --dcrdusername=[rpcuser for daemon] --dcrdpassword=[rpcpass for daemon] --walletpass [public passpharse for wallet]
    4. This will start the wallet & connect it to daemon so that wallet becomes upto date.
    5. Now that wallet is running & connected to daemon, open a new command window & run
    6. Code:
      dcrctl -u [must be same as wallet username] -P [must be same wallet password] --walletpass [publicpassphrase for wallet] --wallet getnewaddress
    7. Copy the address shown, you will need it for solo mining.

    Mining Solo
    1. Now goto command window running daemon that we started in step1 of "Running Daemon" & press ctrl+c. This will stop the daemon. Restart the daemon with following command. (you can use the same command window)
    2. Code:
      dcrd --rpcuser [your already created username for dcrd] --rpcpass [your already created strong password for dcrd] --miningaddr [your newly created address] 
    3. Now that both wallet and daemon are running & synced, its time to mine.
    4. Unzip cgminer. You will find start_local.bat file in the unzipped folder.
    5. Open it using a text editor & change -u & -p to your username & password used with daemon. Also change the port to 9109 instead of 19109 Save it.
    6. IMPORTANT: change http to https
    7. Run start_local.bat and your gpus will start solo mining.
    8. If you see "No suitable long-poll found for" then its ok to continue.

    Mining on the pool
    1. Follow Mining solo guide until step 4.
    2. After that open start_local.bat in a text editor.
    3. For suprnova pool, use:
      cgminer --blake256 -o -u webloginID.workername -p workerpassword
    • For maxminers pool, use:
      cgminer --blake256 -o -u webloginID.workername -p workerpassword
    • For pool, use:
      cgminer --blake256 -o -u webloginID.workername -p workerpassword
    • For pool use:
      cgminer --blake256 -o -u webloginID.workername -p workerpassword
    • Here "webloginID" is your username you chose on the pool while creating your account. You can click the name of a pool above to see their Getting started Guide & create your workers. workername & workerpassword are explained there.
    Please Do comment if i need to add anything to prerequisites or steps of guide. I hope this can get you started.

    Thanks to @zero for pointing out some of my blaring mistakes & suggesting updating links to latest releases. :p
    Thanks to @sw1 for his suggestions as well.


    Sam :)
  2. thepotterone

    thepotterone Jr. Member

    Jan 28, 2016
    Somewhere above the UK
    If you want to verify a seed using "dcraddrgen --verify", you have to make sure you enter it with only spaces (no line breaks). Total of 32 space-separated words. ----------- found from another post.
    sambiohazard likes this.
  3. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    good suggestion, will include in the guide :)
    thepotterone likes this.
  4. bolbativvi

    bolbativvi New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    so,the testnet wallet can be used?
  5. thepotterone

    thepotterone Jr. Member

    Jan 28, 2016
    Somewhere above the UK
  6. kripto

    kripto New Member

    Jan 13, 2016
    Anyone knows which port should be accessible from the internet to run a proper node? Anyone knows how to change this port number if needed?
  7. 418Sec

    418Sec Member
    Advocate (Twitter)

    Jan 3, 2016
    I think the wallet program is the same.. just remove the --testnet option while building the wallet address, then address that can be used on the mainnet will be generated.
  8. bolbativvi

    bolbativvi New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    If i havent got a airdrop wallet i must wait for launch time,for guide or i can make setting of daemond now?
  9. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    @davecgh can you please go thru the guide to check if it is correct. Thanks.
    HeapsIoN likes this.
  10. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    You have to use the mainnet binaries that i have linked. Those binaries are in a zip file that requires a password to open. Password will be revealed at launch so you cant use this guide until then.
    bolbativvi likes this.
  11. bolbativvi

    bolbativvi New Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    Male i wont sleep today))
  12. adam2312

    adam2312 Jr. Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    By "already created" do you mean we should have input this data prior to completing this step? My impression is I intend to be entering new information to the control window (my secure username and password) for the first time as part of executing the dcrd command.
  13. thepotterone

    thepotterone Jr. Member

    Jan 28, 2016
    Somewhere above the UK
    for POW miners, i dont think you need your wallet open, its only required for the mining address for starting dcrd, which means

    dcrd --notls -u xxxxxx -P xxxxxx --miningaddr=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    cgminer --blake256 -o http://00000:0000 -u xxxxxx -p xxxxxxxx

    Correct me if i am wrong,
  14. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    I have asked people to remain ready with usernames & passwords at top of the guide, by "already created" i mean one you have thought of in preparation to save time later.

    You are correct, i included that just to see if everything is working & if anyone wants to use some wallet commands using "dcrctl", they won't get confused.
    adam2312 likes this.
  15. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    Ok going to grab a bite and come back to finish first draft of the guide. 2 hours 15 mins left!!
    thepotterone likes this.
  16. Argonaut

    Argonaut New Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    Thanks for the guide @sambiohazard, I am going to be at work and trying to start mining remotely so this helps a lot as Mondays are always busy. I did notice a small typo in the line :
    dcrwallet -username [password you created for wallet as prerequisite] -password [password you created for wallet as prerequisite] --dcrdusername=[rpcuser for daemon] --dcrdpassword=[rpcpass for daemon] --walletpass [public passpharse for wallet]

    the -username instructions advises to use your password for the wallet. Small but figured I'd mention it.

    I did have a question however. We do need to type dcrctl -u USERNAME -P PASSWORD --wallet getnewaddress and to restart dcrd with the mining address, correct?
  17. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    Thanks for finding out that mistake, saved me a lot of questions :p Although the problem is also that full named flags use -- instead of - so need to fix that too.
    and yes, i will put that part in Mining section of the guide.
  18. kripto

    kripto New Member

    Jan 13, 2016
    First, thx for your effort to help sambiohazard. I really appreciate it.

    Could you explain where/how should my airdrop "First address", "Extended public key" and "seed" be used as I can't figure it out from the guid. What I have so far is the following files each with different rpcuser and rpcpass:
  19. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    The only thing you need is your seed from airdrop. As i said in the guide

    thepotterone likes this.
  20. zero

    zero Full Member

    Jan 1, 2016
    Do we have to use the Airdrop address for minning/--miningaddr to get our airdrop coins? Or just importing the Airdrop seed will be fine and we can get a new address for mining?

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