Prerequisites For Mainnet. Unofficial Airdrop Import & Mining Guide. Use At Your Own Risk!

Discussion in 'Proof-of-work Mining' started by sambiohazard, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. 2017/12/15 - Decred v1.1.2 released! → Release Notes  → Downloads
  1. Acidyo

    Acidyo New Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    Oh well, it's safe to say at least 280(?) coins are already lost in space. :D

    I should open more threads in the future before trying my luck with the wallet. :p
  2. Dedale

    Dedale New Member

    Jan 13, 2016
    Ok, it's enough for tonight. pool mining doesn't work for me for whatever reason and my other terminals seem to be in trouble with my wallet disconnecting and stuff. Going to bed and shutting down the computer for the night. Don't even know how to verify where are my coins and how many i have.

    Good night and a very big thank you to those who have helped. :)
  3. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    in my personal opinion, i would suggest remaining away from multicoin pool as its operator has a bad history with competence & providing support. Just try any other pool.


    dcrctl -u user -P pass --wallet validateaddress [your address]

    "isvalid": true,
    "address": "your address",
    "ismine": true,
    "pubkeyaddr": "some long string",
    "pubkey": "some long string"
    "iscompressed": true,
    "account": "default"

    isvalid means its correct, is mine means its in your current wallet
  4. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    What do you mean by special characters?
  5. CommanderVenus

    CommanderVenus New Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    Linux 64 bit.

    I dont know if all of them are illegal, but i wasnt able to get the wallet to run after creating a wallet that had some of those in the public and private passphrases. However when i used just upper case, lower case, and numbers i was able to get the dcrwallet to run.
  6. Dedale

    Dedale New Member

    Jan 13, 2016
    I have not used your file but got back to the first page and now i get this:

    [2016-02-08 23:26:06] Started cgminer 3.7.2
    [2016-02-08 23:26:06] Probing for an alive pool
    [2016-02-08 23:26:07] Network diff set to 32.8K (target 1b01ffff)
    [2016-02-08 23:26:07] Long-polling activated for

    I guess it is ok. I don't have the inavlid address problem anymore. :)

    [2016-02-08 23:28:17] Waiting for work to be available from pools.
    [2016-02-08 23:29:01] Work available from pools, resuming.
    sambiohazard likes this.
  7. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    Dedale likes this.
  8. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    i think that is implicitly understood as you use " to enclose your passphrase/passwords if it has spaces. Also some other symbols are used in commands e.g. - so if you have those then you have problem.
  9. Lee Sharp

    Lee Sharp Sr. Member

    Dec 28, 2015
    Independent Consultant
    Houston, Texas
    the characters " and \ are very difficult in Linux as they have special meaning in the command interpreter.
  10. Mike O'Donnell

    Mike O'Donnell New Member

    Feb 7, 2016
    Retired University Professor
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Thanks for the advice. I have an NVIDIA GPU, so I'm trying to mine with cgminer (on Linux).

    First, --blake256 is not recognized. Can anyone explain briefly the meaning of that option? Perhaps I can find the equivalent.

    Running without the --blake256 option, I get

    Of course, that might be due to the lack of whatever --blake256 provides.


    Mike O'Donnel
  11. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    You need to use a special fork of cgminer which is linked in the first post to mine decred. I will link it here again
  12. anvoice

    anvoice Member

    Dec 22, 2015
    Blake256 is the hashing algorithm for Decred, so no, you can't go without it. You should probably provide more info on what error you are getting.
  13. srcg

    srcg New Member
    Advocate (Twitter)

    Jan 5, 2016
    Mining with NVIDIA GPUs.
    Daemon runs perfectly.
    Wallet runs perfectly.
    cgminer(0.0.4) crashes along with nvopencl.dll.

    Is it a drivers issue?
    Did anybody stumbled upon it?

  14. sambiohazard

    sambiohazard Sr. Member

    Jan 21, 2016
    I am going to bail now. Too late in my timezone. Bye all! Keep helping each other :)
  15. Mike O'Donnell

    Mike O'Donnell New Member

    Feb 7, 2016
    Retired University Professor
    Colorado Springs, CO
    #155 Mike O'Donnell, Feb 8, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
    I am trying to mine Decred using the forked cgminer with the blake256 algorithm (thanks for straightening out my use of the wrong version of cgminer).

    I think that my problems have wandered beyond the scope of the Decred forum, but I'll mention them in case I get lucky and someone can point me toward a solution. Read on only if you feel especially generous with advice ;^D

    When I execute cgminer:

    I see no further output from cgminer, and it appears to have halted.

    Other probes indicate that the NVIDIA gpu is not accessible, and that this is a Linux configuration problem rather than a Decred or cgminer problem. There is no NVIDIA device shown in /dev.

    I am running the latest Ubuntu with a low latency kernel on a Lenovo T420, which has a built-in Intel graphics chip, as well as an NVIDIA. The BIOS is set up to choose one graphics support at boot time, and turn the other one off. I have occasionally succeeded in running both chips as video drivers using Bumblebee software, but I broke the configuration many months ago and gave up on it. Since the NVIDIA runs quite hot, and only helps with one program that I run, I fell back on the Intel.

    I have no idea how the use of a GPU for mining interacts with the use for video support through X. I was hoping to continue to use the Intel graphics for video, and somehow get to the NVIDIA GPU for mining. No clue so far how to do that.

    So, I don't expect much at this point, but any inspired pointers will be greatly appreciated.


    Mike O'Donnell
  16. Lee Sharp

    Lee Sharp Sr. Member

    Dec 28, 2015
    Independent Consultant
    Houston, Texas
    You need the nVidia binary drivers (System Settings -> Software and Updates -> Additional Drivers tab) and you need openCL installed.
    sambiohazard likes this.
  17. Mike O'Donnell

    Mike O'Donnell New Member

    Feb 7, 2016
    Retired University Professor
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Thanks. I seem to have had the nVidia 3.40 driver already installed, and according to System Settings, "in use". I updated to 3.52. I had lots of opencl packages, including nvidia-opencl-icd-352-updates, but perhaps not the right ones. I added nvidia-opencl-dev and rebooted, but still no nvidia devices apparent in /dev, and cgminer fails:

    The mention of "OpenCL SDK" suggests that I don't have all of the required opencl stuff. I'm studying the nVidia OpenCL page at, but so far the only SDK items i find are code samples, which doesn't sound helpful.

    I also wonder whether I'm failing to start some required kernel modules.

    This may or may not constitute progress ;^D

    Mike O'Donnell
  18. MitchellupagusRex

    MitchellupagusRex New Member

    Jan 15, 2016
    I'm getting that "loadConfig: Mainnet is currently inaccessible, please use testnet or simnet
    Use dcrd -h to show usage" thing as well when I try to start up dcrd as specified at the beginning of the guide. Noticed at least one other person was having the same problem.

    I'm running Lubuntu, have created the wallet and everything else seems fine. Anybody?
  19. sw1

    sw1 Jr. Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    Sydney, Australia
    #159 sw1, Feb 9, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
    shout out to @sambiohazard for a great guide!

    Couple of things I have noticed for windows users:-

    cgminer --blake256 -o -u user -p pass --cert "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dcrd\rpc.cert"

    If you launch and the screen goes blank or has flashing cursor, try the following command instead:-

    cgminer --blake256 -o -u user -p pass --cert "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dcrd\rpc.cert" -T

    That should at least give you the onscreen hashrate, press crtl+c to quit and get your stats.
    No suitable long-poll found for is an expected message if you are solo mining.

    TLS errors are related to user/password or authentication failure (using http: instead of https: in batch /config files etc).

    If you still have the testnet files/certs etc in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dcrd or dcrdwallet folders, best to remove everything (MAKE SURE YOU STILL HAVE MAINNET WALLET SEED BEFORE DELETING ANYTHING). You will need the seed if you delete the wallet to restore any decreds you may have.

    Delete all drcd and dcrdwallet folders including previously extracted zip's. Download the latest binaries and cgminer again and extract them into new folders.

    Start guide from scratch.

    sambiohazard likes this.
  20. evanjdevs

    evanjdevs New Member

    Jan 16, 2016
    Film and media production / Project Marketing
    The Boot
    @sambiohazard Thanks so much for this guide, I honestly couldn't have set this up without your step by step info, apreesh man.

    sambiohazard likes this.

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