Status And Expenditures

Discussion in 'Requests for Proposals' started by jy-p, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. 2017/12/15 - Decred v1.1.2 released! → Release Notes  → Downloads
  1. jy-p

    jy-p Sr. Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    Hello everyone,

    Here is a summary of the status and expenditures for the RFPs. This will be episodically updated as progress is made.

    • Create a draft design for 2 views
    Txid: 68c733b
    • Create draft of all remaining views with icons
    Txids: c89c056, da7dc15
    • Final modifications and documentation
    Txid: 423fd36
    • The proposed design is integrated into a single view (e.g. the Account Summary view)
    Txid: bebd22a
    • The proposed design style is integrated into the entire application, including a stake ticket purchase view
    Txid: 56889f0

    In Progress
    • The design has been successfully integrated into the Paymetheus master branch

    In Progress
    • The proposed design is prepared on static pages for ticket purchasing and stake pool configuration
    • The proposed design is integrated into Copay and tested to behave as expected
    • The changes have been successfully integrated into the Copay master branch
    • Importing multisig addresses and scripts and creating and relaying SSTX transactions through the Copay stack are confirmed to work
    • New backend functions are integrated with the corresponding UI additions
    • The changes have been successfully integrated into the various repositories' master branches

    • The port has been completed (limited milestones)
    Txid: 6ae7950

    • Completion of the wallet documentation updates
    • Completion of the stake mining documentation updates
    • Completion of the network parameter and introductory explanation documentation
    Txid: 784985d
    • Generate copy for obtaining Decred funds, using the block explorer, and PoW mining documentation
    • Review and provide feedback on copy for introduction, wallet setup, stake mining and network parameters documentation
    Txids: 14e3bb1, 682b50a

    In Progress
    • Make adjustments as necessary based on outside feedback for all the documentation above

    • Publish the source under a suitable license for improvements to ccminer and the NVIDIA kernel
    Txid: f940503
    • Publish the source under a suitable license for improvements to cgminer and the AMD kernel
    • Fix high CPU usage issue when running cgminer
    Txid: c51f811

    In Progress
    • Integrate and deslug AMD GPU and Mojo v3 support for gominer
    • Publish the source under a suitable license for modifications to MPOS, NOMP, stratum-mining and pushpool required to operate a Decred PoW mining pool
    • Work with developers to create a new mining protocol (called "Haste")
    • Integrate haste support into NOMP so that mining pools can use it to communicate with miners
    • Integrate and deslug NVIDIA GPU support for gominer

    • Pool has been successfully tested for 1 week on testnet and configuration verified

    In Progress
    • Pool has been successfully tested for 1 week on testnet and configuration verified
    • The end of month 2 of operating the pool, assuming no major outages
    • The end of month 3 of operating the pool, assuming no major outages

    Decred Project

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