Suprnova's Dcr Pool

Discussion in 'Proof-of-work Mining' started by ocminer, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. 2017/12/15 - Decred v1.1.2 released! → Release Notes  → Downloads
  1. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Hey folks,

    I've got a DCR Pool ready for testing:

    First the credits:
    Thanks to ceejeep and Wolf for the (really crazy) cgminer stuff and feeleep for the getwork and mpos testing/developing.

    I'm using a special version of cgminer with some fixes, as while I was testing I encountered several problems with the original DCR cgminer implementation. My fork is here:

    In the original version endianness was incorrect, so (in my testing) blocks were found much less than expected, in the corrected version from my github you should find blocks (when pool mining) much more often. My version should also work on every other pool but not vice versa, so the official version is (not yet) working on my pool, you'll only get rejects. I'm in contact with cejeep @ IRC to get my fixes commited to the official version and I'll also create a pull request soon. I'm still trying to get stratum implemented but there are STILL a lot of bugs and swapped things (big endian should be little endian) in cgminer. I hope to get most of the stuff fixed until the launch. Duplicate shares are a rather big problem currently.

    Again: Please don't point the compiled official version to my pool - they won't work - you'd need to compile from my source !

    Please be so kind and point your miner to my pool to see if the hashrate matches. Several blocks were found already, statistics are okay, hashrate calc seems to be ok and things like payouts etc. have to be tested.

    Of course the pool is completely free for now, I'll add a 1% fee later on. If you see anything weird, please let me know. Either via PM here or on bitcointalk, you can also get me on Twitter: @SuprnovaPools
  2. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    You would make a lot of people happy here if you could release a windows version of your forked cgminer :)

    Anyhow, I'll be mining @ your pool!

    Thx for the work mate!
  3. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Thanks mate,

    I've tried to compile with "mingw" in a virtual machine running windows but it fails.
    Getting cgminer compiled under windows is a real PITA, I'd love to see a howto for that :)

    I hope one of the Devs can compile it - it should be pretty straightforward as It's a direct fork / clone of the original version.
    anondran likes this.
  4. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    I hope they will. we've still got some time left so i'm not worried! again thx Ocminer!
  5. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    Trying to mine to your pool, cgminer hangs. Benchmarking works just fine. Tried it with wolf his release and also the decree one. no luck :(
  6. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
  7. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    #7 LDWCom, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    Oh god i'm an idiot. suprnva.. what do i type, supErnova.. :p all good now!

    Not finding any shares though
  8. thepotterone

    thepotterone Jr. Member

    Jan 28, 2016
    Somewhere above the UK
    Banging !!!! thanks OC :cool:
  9. thepotterone

    thepotterone Jr. Member

    Jan 28, 2016
    Somewhere above the UK
  10. block

    block New Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    Could you please compile binary for windows.
    Not all are able to compile by themself.
  11. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    yeah windows versions that are available do not seem to work :)
  12. block

    block New Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    Suprnova should provide a windows .exe to try mining on his pool.
    Would like to test as well trying put decred official miner waiting for oc cgminer
  13. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Wolf compiled my version here:

    [from bitcointalk]

    Here, I made binaries of OCMiner's git. My signature on these certifies that they are compiled from the same code on his git - I made no mods except what I needed to in order to make it cross-build for Win64. It does NOT certify that I vouch for the code, as I've not gone over it. Anyways, yeah, have some:

    Now I have to go diff the bugfixes done by ocminer and the bugfixes done by one of the Decred devs against my own private copy of cgminer that's been heavily edited and merge in the bug fixes, so I'll be busy for a bit.

    [/from bitcointalk]

    big thanks
    thepotterone likes this.
  14. Webonaute

    Webonaute New Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    Senior Web Developper
    #14 Webonaute, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016

    I am working with MPOS since some day. is it possible to know how you setup mpos to work with decred wallet?

    Mainly. I have my dcrd running and dcrwallet but MPOS always return cannot connect to RPC. Will be nice to have a full tuto.
  15. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Hmm it's actually really, really easy, I don't know what exact problem you have there, you simply have to use "https" instead of "http" in the wallet connection settings in and of course --notls when you start the dcrwallet.
  16. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    Tried the new build from wolf, still not seeing hashrate displayed on dashboard, neither am i finding blocks. Could it be something else ocminer?
  17. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Which URL are you using ? Some folks try to use stratum+tcp:// which is wrong, correct it should be something like:

    cgminer.exe --blake256 -o -u ldwcom.1 -p x
    Akai likes this.
  18. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

    Damn that was fast.

    Yeah that's exactly what i'm doing.
  19. ocminer

    ocminer Jr. Member
    Pool Operator (PoW)

    Jan 17, 2016
    Hmm weird, works fine here, what is displayed from your cgminer ? accepted shares ?
  20. LDWCom

    LDWCom New Member

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